2nd - Finnish and Portuguese School Systems

13th of March at TAMK’s main campus.

The subject for this second meeting was the education system. Overall, we realized they are mostly the same, with a slight detail in division and nomenclature being different. What I found most useful, besides finally learning “ammattikorkea-koulu” in case I need to ask the bus driver if that bus goes to the main campus – I study in Mediapolis so I always forget which numbers take me to the main campus – was their explanation of the grading system. In Portugal higher education has usually 5 credits per course like Finland, but the grades are from 0 to 20, unlike the 0 to 5 system in place here. I do wonder how my home faculty will do the equivalence, but Kaisa and Tiuu’s explanation of it was really clear and simple. Afterwards, it was interesting to speak about vacations and holydays. One thing I noticed is how while we have at least one holyday or national day per month, sometimes two or more, where there is no school, they are a lot more scarcer here and they told me about Vappu which I now anticipate since it sounded really cool with the white hats and such.


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