#5 - Talk to someone different! at Tallipiha

During our 5th meeting, I invited my friend Anna-Maria from Germany, who came to visit me in Finland, to our EOTO meeting. The goal of this was to let Maija and Kaisa talk to someone else than me. They could try to get to know a complete stranger by asking her questions in German and trying to understand her replies.

Maija’s idea was to show us around in the small district with shops and cafés called “Tallipiha”. I have been in Tampere for a while already but didn’t know that place. The café was really cute, I liked the interior style a lot.

I decided to try out Finnish lemonade and a kind of candy, omg, it was so strange but good. Both of them 😀

My lemonade tasted like forest haha
I had no idea what I was eating but I think it was a chocolate covered marshmallow with candy cane sprinkles (strange combo, right? XD)

Because we were all students it was easy for them to get along with my friend, we could talk a lot about the education system in Germany and about our hometown, Osnabrück.

Some words to remember about the education system that sound very similar to the English words:

Schule = school; pupil means: Schüler and has the same word-stem

Universität = university

Schulsystem = literally: school system; or rather: education system


Basically we practiced a lot of free talk on that day 🙂 After our meeting I had to leave to finish an assignment but my friend and Maija went for some shopping in Tampere and probably more talking together 😀 It’s great to see them getting along and I bet it was fun! 😉



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