5th meeting! Koko Kokko kokoo koko kokkoa koko kokolla, koko kokolla kokoo koko kokko koko kokkoa

This class Joonas explained the basic rules of writing formal e-mails, it contents and official allocution, I needed it because I wanted to participate Finnish for foreigners 2 course and I really had to send a post via mail.

All in all with the help of my mate and personal efforts I wrote an e-mail, which consists of 2 sentences


Hey,  Marja!


Haluaisin osallistua Teidän suomen kielen kurssillenne, mutta olin poissa jo kolmesta tunnista. Onko vielä mahdollista osallistua siihen, saanko  myös korvaavia tehtäviä? 


Yst terv. Kulieva Sabina 14IBA

‪ Also, we read the beginning of comic about Scrooge McDuck and it was pretty challenging since of my poor vocabulary and grammar knowledge.


Joonas helped me with prepearing for my Finnish 1 test, we have repeated seasons, months and temperature. Also we have read various Finnish proverbs and saynigs. My favorite Finnish phrase is ‘Koko Kokko kokoo koko kokkoa koko kokolla,

koko kokolla kokoo koko kokko koko kokkoa’ In spire the fact that is literally impossible to say this phrase to a foreigner, it is still nice way to practice language skills.

Joonas expected me to prepare some vocabulary for his Saint-Petersburg trip and common dialogues he might have in the hotel, shop and bus stop


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