For or 8th meeting our friend Emilio organized an international party, we decided to go together and take the opportunity to do our meeting.
In this meeting we decided to talk about easy but useful topic related with time, we already knew the days of the week however we reviewed them:
Weekdays: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag
Días de la semana: lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo
Following the topic we also learnt some time expressions as:
Morgen=Morning= mañana
Mittag=Midday=medio día
Nachmittag=Afternoon= tarde
Abend=Evening= noche
And lastly we learnt some useful phraseology:
Später=later= después
Bald=soon= pronto
Früher=before= antes
Morgen=tomorrow= mañana
Heute=today= hoy
Gestern=yesterday= ayer
Vorgestern=the day before = anti ayer
Übermorgen=the day after = pasado mañanas
I really enjoyed this short meeting and having on of the best parties at the end.