#9 - How about German movies and films???

Soooo, I got another request from my students which was German movies or German films! 😀 Since watching a whole movie might be too much for them and trailers only are not very useful, I decided to go back to the children level again and picked out a short clip by a German television show for children after I failed downloading some German dubbed animation series for children XD

You can watch the video here:

>>> http://mediathek.daserste.de/Die-Sendung-mit-der-Maus/Sachgeschichte-Touchscreen/Das-Erste/Video?documentId=25133630&topRessort=tv&bcastId=1458

Make sure to turn on the subtitles for better understanding! 🙂 And that was exactly the reason why I picked this show/video out: they provide subtitles for their videos (even online!) and from my own experience with learning languages, it’s the best for movies when you have subtitles so you can be sure to at least undertand the context and then listen to what has been said.

I think that deciding on a short clip was a good idea because it seemed that a clip with much talking like in my example demands a lot of concentration already. I was told by Kaisa and Maija that the subtitles were very helpful, so a tip to all EOTO teachers out there:


I am glad my students liked it and found the film excercise helpful – next time will already be our last EOTO meeting, which saddens me a bit :’) EOTO is really a nice way of studying and studying how to teach language, culture and having fun with new people, I like this a lot! I am looking forward to our little Christmas party next time 😉


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