For seventh meeting we gathered together in house of Iris again to bake so called Korvapuusti – cinnamon rolls. Recipe was in Finnish, so we had another set of words to learn. Some of those I knew from shopping for my own survival during months in Finland, but some of the words were new, and Iris also finally let me know, what does rkl and tl mean 😀
Funny part (at least for Iris) was her asking about amounts of ingredients and asking for help with various things – in finnish x.x So we had training in everyday finnish speaking 😀 We tried our best to guess whole meaning of question and then to answer back in finnish.
While girls were rolling the dough (kneaded by me – I had to do my part of job too), I was filling my white places in vocabulary book, alternately asking Iris and Yuki for those words and phrases in Finnish and Japanese.
Later, we had discussion about religions and age, when people are allowed to marry and drink alcohol. In Japan, they have rather complicated religion, connected with worship of ancestors.
Finally, cinnamon rolls were done and we enjoyed them with tea and some card games.