Blog 6 - Ilves ice hockey game

Selfie ice hockey

Today , 22th of October, Emma, Katja and I went to another ice hockey game, but this one was from Ilves! During the game we were talking suddenly we came up with the topic ‘stereotypes’, we had a big conversation about this.

I asked Emma if it is true that Germans are really punctual. She agreed with that, but also said that this can easily be refute by the Deutsche Bahn (this is the train compony in Germany), because about 80% of all the trains are too late.

She also told us some stereotypes I had never heard of:

  • German’s can’t party. There was a research about this, 12% never goes out, 62% only once per month and only 2% said more than four times per month!
  • German people wear sandals with socks.

She agreed with both of those stereotypes, so I learnt something more about Germans!



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