It was our second first meeting already, before our official first meeting me, Ilona and Maksim cought up in the university to see each other and discuss what are our expectations of the course, what do we want to learn and where do we want to meet. We decided to meet in the Public House Huurre. It was a bit hard for me to find the place, but with help of Google Maps I managed to meet my new friends.
When we met we ordered food and drinks and had time to know each other better, trying to use Russian and Finnish words. I was surprised with my level of Finnish it was better than I expected it to be! I’ve learnt how to katso a menu, tilaa hampurilainen and of course say kippis! After that we decided to play a board game Alias. It’s a word explaining game, we modified rules a bit so we could study through playing: we just tried to use only Finnish and Russian for explaining words and I have to admit it was really good practice. Sometimes it was difficult to explain something, but this feeling that we all learning and we have nearly the same level of language we want to know made us more confident in speaking. During this game I learnt quite a few words:
Repairing – remontti – ремонт
Blood – veri – кровь
Self service – itsehuolto – самообслуживание
Bathrobe – kylpytakki – халат
Tiger – tiikeri – тигр
Chair – tuoli – стул
So I can definitely say that it was super productive and I had real fun! I believe that this is the best way to learn language. Se oli ihana guys! See you next week 😉