First meeting (Finnish/Spanish)

Friday 15.9.2017


My name is Neea and I am a 20-year-old-girl from Finland. I study my first year of International business in Tamk. I’m good in different languages but Spanish is something I want to improve. I also wanted to meet new people from other countries, so EachOneTeachOne is definitely something for me.

Today was our first official meeting. Teresa and I had already met at the introduction class and in couple school parties after that. Today however, we met Maris, the third member of our group, for the first time. We introduced ourselves and told others what we expected from this course. There are two Finnish girls eager to learn Spanish in the group and Teresa, who is an exchange student from Spain wishing to learn some Finnish. We all really like music and movies so we were discussing about Spanish tv series Maris and I have been watching and decided to include music and movies in our learning process. That’s a great way to learn new languages in a fun way. Other discussion topics today were for example coming school parties such as appro and horror stories about berry picking for none of us likes spiders.

Even though today was more about learning about each other and our expectations about this course, we started teaching by helping Teresa. She wants to buy a winter coat as the winter is approaching. A cheap way to do this is through facebook flea market called “Tampereen alle 5€:n kirppis”. We helped her to write a post in there in Finnish -hopefully she gets lots of replies and finds herself a coat. Actual teaching and learning process we’ll start next week. Tasks for next time we agreed are that Teresa needs to pick one Spanish song for us and Maris one Finnish one (I will choose next time). We are going to listen them next time and try to understand what they are about. I also promised to bring my high school Spanish books for the next time.

Sorry for there is no pictures this time. We didn’t realize we probably should have taken a selfie or something to show who are in the group.


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