German Russian | 2nd Meeting

Meeting on September 25th 2020, 2 hours

During our second meeting we now really began learning the languages. As Daria is further in learning German than I am in learning Russian, I could already start with teaching her the different articles (divided by gender) and how they behave in the four German cases (nominative, genitive, accusative, dative). This is essential when it comes to building a German sentence and it even has another reason: This is the most common thing Germans make fun of if used incorrectly – but don’t worry, mostly only among each other 😂 Furthermore, there were the first few vocabularies we used to build the example sentences.

Well on my side then, Daria had to start with a way lower level: I started learning the Cyrillic alphabet again (reactivating these memories from school). And for real, they have five(!) ‘B’-shaped letters and I shamelessly admit: I’m still processing it. But hey, everyone has to start somewhere, right? 😂 In the end I learnt how to count and how to say how old I am. And oh yeah:  Безымянный, which means ‘unnamed’ – the heading of the newly created Paint document. A classic start for learning remotely I guess 🤔


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