Stories about German Karneval (7th meeting)

This meeting was dedicated to the culture of the German celebration of "Karneval", also called "Fasching" or "Fastnacht", according to the region you live in Germany.

We originally planned to watch the biggest event of German Karneval together, the “Rosenmontagszug”, but due to covid and our own travel plans, we decided to share stories about it instead, while eating donuts, which is a very typical food during Karneval.

The silly season of “Karneval” is a very big festival, also described as the fifth season, or karnival season. People dress up in funny costumes, celebrate for a week and drink a lot of alcoholic beverages, while there are celebrations, music acts and events happening in the city. In some cities, you even get a week off work, because no public services work as usual. Karneval consists of different celebration days: Weiberfastnacht, Rosenmontag, Faschingsdienstag and Aschermittwoch.

While we talked about these things, we also translated the costumes into our native languages. When exchanging stories about Karneval, our Finnish friend also explained to us the celebration of Vappu, on the first of May, for the working people. We’ve learned, that this celebration is also highly celebrated among students from the middle of April until the first of May.

However, it was difficult to explain the others the different festival days and share information about the concept of Karneval, because I never had to explain this to a person who did not know it. Sharing videos and photos of the celebration of Karneval helped for a better understanding and image of it.

While eating donuts, I also learned how to say, that something is tasteful in Finnish: Herkullista = delicious.


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