we continue our senventh meeting today, this time we came to the biggest library in the city center .This is the first time I have come there, and I would say it is a really big library. I have got a library card there. on that day we really talk a lot about different kinds books and my partner introduced a good book for me called twilight, which is a really famous novel all over the world. so I borrowed this book from the library. After that, we came to a CD shop, in which we chose the CDs of our favorite siners respectively, and then we appreciated those CDs together, and I would say we have a lot of fun by talking about ourfavorite singers. Then we left the library, and come to another CD shop to buy a CD for my partners’ friend
I am pretty happy that I have such a common hobby with my partner, so pthat I will have more topics when I communicate with my partner Rulis.