Once again we decided to cook. Apperently cooking is very fascinating thing to do. I think it really unites people and brings a lot of joy! So we decided we need to make anither Russian dish for Vanessa because w were talking so much about it. The dish is called syrniki (сырники). It is a Russian-Ukranian dish made of quark (cottage cheese), flour, eggs and some vanila exrtact. The look like really fluffy pancakes, served with honey, jam or whatever you prefer and taste amazing! While we were cocking them we had a conversation with girls about food culture and traditions of Russia and Germany, then Vanessa decided to share some anecdotes that German people have about Polish people and gypsis. I think national jokes really describe people’s attitude to life and makes overall impression. We also talked about the appearance of Russian and German people and decided that the light colored eyes are dominant in both nations.
It was a great breakfast and good start of the day!