
Waaaaaoooowwww on friday (27.11) was the 10th meeting 🙁 It’s so sad, because the time elapsed really fast, just a few weeks and we will be at home. I’m so happy that I met Hannah and Christina (& of course Erika but she is also hungarian)  who taught some interesting issus about Germany.  As for me it was quite hard to teach to each other, but it was really funny. 🙂

In the last time we spoke about the winter sports. It is really popular in Germany, mostly the skiing. They are lucky because they have a lot of ski slope and I’m so envy 😀 Unfortunately we have just 3, that’s why if we want to go to ski (to a good ski slope), we have to go to the neightbouring countries. I hope that once I will have a chance to go to Germany.

Ich liebe es Ski zu fahren, aber ich möchte auch Snowboarden ausprobieren. / I like skiieng, but I would like to try the snowbooarding./

Skifahren                            síelés                      skiing
Schlittschuhlaufer         (jég)korizás           iceskating
Schlitten fahren              szánkózás               sledding
Icekunstlaufen                jégtánc                      figure skating
Schneeballschlacht      hógolyózás             snowballfight
Skispringen                      síugrás                      skijumping

All in all, the EOTO was an awesome experience whereby I could meet 3 nice girl!!! Thank you  DANKE SCHÖN  Köszönöm szépen!!!!! 🙂 <3


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