Kielikursseja verkossa keväälle 2025 - valikoimassa 13 kieltä!
Kieliä verkossa! Korkeakoulujen KiVANET-verkosto järjestää kevätlukukaudella 2025 verkkokursseja useassa eri kielessä ja monikielisessä kielitandemissa.
Kieliä verkossa! Korkeakoulujen KiVANET-verkosto järjestää kevätlukukaudella 2025 verkkokursseja useassa eri kielessä ja monikielisessä kielitandemissa.
Want to enhance your language skills and experience new cultures? UniTandem invites higher education students in Finland to learn languages and explore cultures through an engaging and flexible peer-to-peer method. Connect with students worldwide, improve your communication skills, and earn credits while having fun!
Dive into the World of International Business! Starting February 2025, students from Ghana, Germany, and Finland will come together for the innovative International Business and Cultures course. This collaborative program explores global business practices, cultural diversity, and the use of English as a lingua franca, equipping participants with essential skills to excel in the international marketplace. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn, network, and grow on a global scale!
Syksyn 2024 orientoivien päivien kieli-infojen diat löytyvät tästä blogipostauksesta.
This is a course for an engineering / a health care/ BBA / forestry student who wants to study at an accelerated pace to complete their studies and who has the ability to study English of their special field both independently and with students from different professional fields. The course is a 3-credit course for most students (engineering, nursing), but you can also complete 5 credits if the professional English course in your degree programme is a 5-credit course (e.g. forestry, BBA).
Onko englannin taitosi ruosteessa ja haluat verestää peruskielioppia?
Kivanet tarjoaa TUNI-opiskelijoille mahdollisuuden opiskella verkossa arabiaa, espanjaa, italiaa, japania, kiinaa, koreaa, portugalia, ranskaa, saksaa, venäjää, viroa, viittomakieltä sekä monikielisen Unitandemin.