Venla Härmä & Sofia Savikuja

Tyyni is a media centre located in Ratina, Tampere, which glows like a light lantern in a red brick environment. The design area of the Tyyni media centre is in Ratina, in the heart of Tampere’s city centre.

Our goal was to design a place where different forms of art and culture are accessible to everyone, and people can connect over books, music and art. We noticed that the masses of the existing shopping centres in the area are very closed and silent from the outside, and you can’t see inside the buildings from the street. This observation inspired us to bring transparency and breathability to Ratina with our light, lantern-like cultural centre.

The building consists of three masses, between which there is a central space, aukio. The central space is an indoor public space even when the media centre is already closed, because it can be closed off from the functions of the building. The functions of the media centre are distributed around the central space by busyness and calmness, so that the most used functions are located near the central space. On the outer edges of the building and on the upper floors, there is a quiet space where the user of the building can feel calm, tyyni.