Importance of exercise in stressful life

In here I'm going to talk about the importance of exercise especially in the urgent and stressful life that we have. As an future entrepreneurs this is an important thing to learn.

As we all know regular exercise is important but do we really know why? And really what benefits there are. I have always done a ton of different varieties of sports for pretty much since I could walk so it has always been part of my everyday life but now on these past 2 years when I have got older I have been reading and learning really why exercise is so good for human body and why?

Whats up in our body?

lets start with what is happening in our body when we exercise. When our body is under constant stress our brain acknowledges it and starts to improve the parts of our body that face the stress. For example: it strengthens our bones makes more muscles and makes our lungs and heart stronger and it improves our brains in many ways like it releases more hormones that help new brain cells to develop and this list just goes on and on. So it makes you age less quickly, makes you feel better and improves our brain function. So if it’s so beneficial why many people still won’t do it then? This is a hot question right now because obesity is starting to be a problem in every country and mental health issues are really usual now days. One explanation that I hear a lot is time but it is proven that only 30 minutes of exercise in a day is enough to activate your body enough to get all these healthy benefits of exercise another one that I think is also a big thing is that people think too much what other people think about them and they compare themselves to other people and that way they are limiting themselves from so many different sports that they want to start but they are too afraid to. Usually in these kind of like situations you want get a friend to train with you with a friend that supports you in these kind of like situations you can more easily achieve your goals.

Exercising in working life.

Especially now when we are stepping into the entrepreneurial life where we’ll face a lot of anxiety and stress exercise is one easy way to keep yourself sharp every day. When you are under constant stress your body releases a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that has a negative impact on your immune system, decreases bone formation and can lead to muscle wasting and this is a long list these are only few things how it affects our body if you want to read more about it there are a lot of information about it on internet. Exercise lowers the cortisol levels in your body in long term and that way exercising improves your everyday feel a lot.

Starting the exercising.

Okay so now you know something about how exercising affects your body and now you want get started but how do you start? One thing that I would do is to start with a plan and see how much time do you have to give to your exercising then choose what you want to do maybe have a little chat with your friends about it. And try to get a training partner with you to do it and its always good to have someone that might know more about exercising to get you started off in the right way right in the  start of your journey. Now when you are ready to go remember to start easily don’t go too hard on yourself that way you will kill your interest pretty quickly. Now just get your running shoes on and show us what you are made of!

These were Veikko´s observations and thoughts about exercising hope you liked it! Happy training everyone 🙂


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