9th meeting ; last meeting, feeling like Christmas is coming.

Finally, we had our last meeting.
Not everyone again with some reason, but more than last time.
We planned go to the Tallipiha!
Actually I visited here again, for buying some present and poster after this meeting.
Thanks for girls ๐Ÿ™‚
Our Finnish girls led us to there from Keskustori.
(I think we start christmas mood from there with christmas market.)
(I loved this words!)
Chocolate shop โ€“ Handmade craft shop โ€“ Another hand craft shop โ€“ Fancy(?) shop โ€“ Cafe
We moved like that.
And fortunately we watched a small concert in the cafe.
We enjoyed the mood and shared our impressions of the meeting.
Almost all of the members were feeling about leaving or Xmas.
Hugging each other was our last last last action of EOTO course.
Thank you all of my members!! Thanks for all the good memorizes! KakaoTalk_Photo_2015-12-25-10-42-25_94


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