Finnish creative Winterwonderland - Meeting #3 (Finnish - English)

Hello at all,

today I want to talk about my third Finnish-English Meeting with Suvi. This day was not only sitting inside and study finnish language. – No, it was more than this. We had a really active and funny sunday, combined with studying and language skills. First we started to go sledding with the pulkka (sled) on a childrens toboggan run, where we dared to go down both routes alongside the children 🙂 Now that the weather allows us to process the snow into wonderful works of art, we have let off steam artistically in the snow. We built a cave out of many individual snowballs, in which we finally put a candle and lit it.

During the construction of the light art work, we also talked about Austrian cuisine and the dumpling culture from my home country and decided at short notice to combine the evening Finnish unit with Austrian cuisine. So we made Waldviertel potato dumplings filled with cheese and minced meat.

When we were strengthened, we started to write down those Finnish terms that had already come up during the preparation of the food, such as: Schein (possu, porsas), milk cow (nauta), beef (naudanliha), minced meat (jauheliha). In the course of this, we also discussed other ingredients, namely those that are to be found and picked in the forest yourself: chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, mushrooms.

After adding the ingredients, I surprised Suvi that I could recite the numbers she had already learned with me by heart. The new topics for this unit were the days of the week and the time. After we had noted down all the terms needed for this, I tried to name various combinations of times. Examples of the time were 8:25 PM, 5:30 AM, 8:45 AM, and 5:15 PM. At the time, I already knew some compositions from other languages, but it is very difficult for me to memorize the individual words for it, as these cannot be derived from any of the words that I usually know. However, I have created a booklet for this language course in which I can clearly record all the learned content in writing and, if necessary, read it.





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