Russian visit at Kalevan Lukio

As Selina is a wonderful teacher at Kalevan Lukio, she had a fantastic idea for exchanging thoughts with her students and people from different countries.

During the celebration of Russian maslenitsa Selina got to know my Russian friends, who are from different parts of Russia and as representers of Russia we were invited to Kalevan Lukio. It was really interesting for us to take part in such interesting activity, because Finnish and Russian schools have a lot of differences, that’s why during our meeting we discussed it a lot.

We (Russians) were really surprised HOW CONTEMPORARY, HOW CONVENIENT, HOW JUST FOR STUDENTS is the school! Here we totally understand how everything was created for developing students minds. We totally like how the attitude of teachers to kids, and to be honest, we were shocked how kind everyone was to us! Selina’s students shown us the school, during that time we totally felt how proud they are to study there and how they wanted to share with us their opinion and practice English!


After we had a fantastic opportunity to listen the rehearsal of school music band and they were happy to play song for us. and here we were also SO SURPRISED with the fact that the school has it own ORGAN!

After enjoying the small private performance we gave a pieces of advice that during studying at university all students should try to go to other countries for exchange and broaden their horizons. It was so nice meeting with so wise students at so contemporary school!


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