Finnish Seasons

Finland is land of beautiful forest and clean waters. Finns love to go to their cottages during their summer break and many of us enjoy our beautiful nature.

Henkilön Helena Kapanen kuva.

In Finland we have four different seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Every of those seasons have their own effects to Finns, we are like two different people during summer, when there hardly is dark nights at all, and during winter when it is always dark.

When it is summer, Finns go to concerts and festivals, we will have good time and drink beer. Summer is the time for living, it is the time for joy!

Henkilön Helena Kapanen kuva.

When autumn comes, it is time to go to the forest and collect mushrooms and berries, Finland’s forest offers best and most healthy treats there can be.

Henkilön Helena Kapanen kuva.

During winter you should put on your woolen socks, it is common that Finns have even made them themselves from Novita’s yarn. Those self-made socks will chase away depression of the cold and dark winter.

Henkilön Helena Kapanen kuva.

And when the spring comes, it is time to go out again to see the sun.



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