Sauna, icehockey, Marimekko, lakes, forests, the first of May, midsummer, independence day… There are many words that comes to my mind when I think about Finland and Finnishness.
There are no right or wrong answers to the question “What is Finnishness?”. There are a lot of stereotypes about Finland and Finnish people but for me it’s all about family, nature and history. We have a long history and i I think we should be really proud of it as a nation.
Our nature is beautiful, clean and versatile, we should always take good care of it. I know family is an important value in many cultures but for me it may be the most important thing in Finnishness. I am very interested in my own family history and roots. In addition, one of the greatest things in Finland is our free and high-quality education.
I own the rights to every picture.