What I love about Finland and Finnish people?
First of all, Finnish people are honest and that is what I appreciate the most. If you ask us how we are doing, you are going to actually hear how things are going in our lives, not any lame cliché answer just to keep small talk going. Also Finns are modest, kind and reliable but they speak only when spoken to which I don´t like even though I´m just like that myself… When making acquaintance with a Finn, they may first seem sullen and stony-faced but after a while they melt and become talkative.

Few things to know about Finns way of act.
If you sit on the bus and the person next to you wants to leave and you notice it. Don´t wait him or she to talk up, just move! And don´t start a conversation.
Drinking is limited. Remember to check when the sale of alcohol stops and there is only one store where is sold only alcohol. Alcohol policy is quite strict in Finland.
Finland is cold and dark place most of the year. That´s one of the negative sides of Finland. On the other hand it´s wonderful to have four seasons. Of course I prefer summer but a white winter has its charm.

The worst thing is that in Finland we don’t celebrate Halloween or thanksgiving. Yes we have Halloween parties and that kind of stuff but it´s not so big deal in Finland what it is in US. October and November are the depressed months and it would be wonderful to have something to celebrate. Of course there is Christmas but it´s so far away.
Ice-hockey is everything! The whole nation is watching when lions play in world championships. Racing might be the second popular sport. If you are an individual athletic you have to do very well to have even a little bit of credit.

The land of a thousand lakes in a nutshell
But of course Finland is a great place! Healthcare works well and it´s free and there is no corruption and the education is one of the best! Economy is doing actually pretty well. Who cares about some loan cause it’s not that big and who hasn’t? Okey China hasn’t. Poverty is small and everyone gets social support if needed but still Finninsh people compline.