Free-time activities and attitudes in Finland

When finnish people are compared into practically any other folk it is easy to say that we tend to be on our own quiet space. It’s not always good for us but we just like to do it like that.

We can talk if we want to…but we really don’t need to.

I am not sure why we behave like this but reasons are probably buried somewhere to the history..and it’s always good reason to blame the cold weather when feeling a bit anxious.

However i dare to say that there is also relaxed and social side under this calm surface. Especially when this long awaited sun comes out and shines all-day and almost everyday you can find us from outside lurking around parks.


Finnish summer is full of different kind of activities and gigs and some of them are also free to join for anyone so there will be everything for everyone.

When people gather around to hangout together listening music and dancing then you can easily feel how we tend to loosen up a bit. It is easy to join a group as it is most likely that they’ll welcome you immediately.


There is nothing better than sitting in a park with a good posse, drinking wine and sharing stories. We love to hear stories from your home country so please tell us everything! We also like to know how do you feel about Finland.

My recommendations are that be brave and go to parks to meet out new people. Especially now when weather is warm and nice then it is easy to get connected especially with younger generation.

If you’re staying Tampere i would suggest that you start from Koskipuisto or Tullintori plaza.

Welcome and i hope you enjoy your stay!


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