Sweet, sweet Funland

Hello! I am a finn named Kati “Kaz” Nieminen. Nice to meet you!

I have never really thought about how fun it is to live in Finland, as I have lived here from the very beginning. In my opinion, in Finland you have multiple choices how to live your life without having to live in fear, loneliness or emptiness. It is really your own choice – and I know how cliché it sounds.

 Of course I can only speak for myself but majority of the people living in Tampere doesn’t really give a toodles what you are – so you may express yourself freely. Surely, you may attract some glares if you look different than the others, but some of the glares are actually admiring – and what if they’re not? Who cares?

(My speciality is shooting pictures of animal butts, enjoy. I don’t take my life too seriously)

Here are some pictures of Tampere’s finest cafés – A bunny café and ”Purnauskis, The Cat café”. I really adore all the different cafés they have in Japan, so having these fluffy encounters in Finland with a cup of ice tea makes me really happy. I’m not particuraly disappointed in common Finland cafés, finnish cafés are usually very delicate, clean and make sweet, pure and stunning dishes, but part of Finnishness is trying everything new and refreshing.

Here is a picture from a moving bus which I took on my way home from my night shift. I like having many trees in the city centre. You can see one of the greatest landmarks and membered finnish structure in the foliage – Särkänniemi’s Näsinneula (Näsi’s needle? Is there an english word to it?). Finland’s summer is somewhat hot and it is supposed to spend in homeland, whether you spend it in amusement park like Särkänniemi or grill some sausages on a cottage. The taste of freedom can be experienced in both.

To me, I’d describe finnishness with single words or phrases:

pure, tough, one with the nature, trustworthy, good and fair sportsmanship

tough winter, lovely summer, freedom, sisu, patriotic, funny traditions

work hard, play harder, never give up, peace of mind, forests


That’s all for now what I have in mind about being a finn and all in all in finnishness. In one week I’m taking a flight to Jinan, China and I am going to live there for half a year. Quite a shocking experiment as I have not traveled anywhere in the world (Estonia doesn’t count, they are like our little brother).

See you next time!


~ Kati “Kaz” Nieminen


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