Weather in Finland

We – finnish people – are often proud of our multifaceted seasons. We have cold, white winter,  rainy, cloudy and sunny spring, short but light summer and colorful autumn. Though, in reality, our autumn is a three-month-long period of rainy, dark evenings. Our winter is a combination of slush and slipery roads whereas spring stir us to miss warm, sunny summer which temperature actually is barely between + 5 and 15 degrees. We often have different expectations about the weather as it is in real life. That is one of the reasons why we often speak about the weather, I guess.

According to the researches, finnish people are the happiest people in the world. Would you have believed that? Well, I know from my own experience that our happiness haven´t always been seemed. Finnish people like to complain – usually about everyday things – for example just about the weather: The weather has been too cold or too hot. There is a lack of snow or too much snow in the winter time et cetera. Honestly, there is a solid trust in society in the background and it gives us a possibility to complain. Our life is really safe and definite and we are content with it.

We take many good things in our society for granted and we often don’t remember to appreciate those things enough. However, I think we have learned something important due to Covid-19-pandemic: the appreciation of finnish nature has increased. Nature and four seasons have offered us a wonderful possibility to do exercise, to be with our friends and close relatives when the society has been closed. And now I can understand an old lady who walked past me in the forest one day, stopped, gasped very happily and asked me: It is a really great weather, isn’t it? And we stood quietly in the snowy forest, in “winter wonderland”, breathing a biting frost air and looking sunset which spread red and yellow colors to the sky.

On the other hand, finnish happiness can also be seemed in our just ordinary life – even when we speak with the strangers about the forecast.




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