The International Relations Reading Group is a group of scholars brought together by a shared interest in the discipline of International Relations. We meet regularly to discuss classic and contemporary papers in the field of IR. The intent of the group is to build and strengthen the IR community at Tampere University (and beyond). The group was initiated as a venue for doctoral researchers to deepen their understanding of the discipline, but we also welcome scholars at other stages to join the discussions. Readings are selected as a group, covering a range of topics — theoretical, methodological as well as empirical.

Overcoming ‘innocent’ outrage: paying attention to the structures of whiteness in the discipline of IR

In the academic year’s final reading group meeting titled “Racialization, eurocentricity and colonialism in IR” we focused on recent scholarship on the whiteness in/of IR. We discussed Alison Howell and Melanie Richter-Montpetit’s 2023 article “Upholding disciplinary whiteness: The #SdScandal, gender and international relations’ critical turn” and Meera Sabaratnam’s 2020 article “Is IR Theory White? Racialised Subject-Positioning in Three Canonical Texts”.