26.8.2021 What I learned about myself and projects at the Finnish intensive week as a student of social sciences Making my future was the first international project I got to work on as a social sciences student, and through this project, I got to learn and experience a lot of things from the “project managing -world”, in a short period of time. My name is Jenna and I am a social sciences student at Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Intensive week Young voice
25.8.2021 Advancing social participation in Making my future project By having the goal of advancing social participation, Making my future is aiming to reduce inequality, marginalization, and discrimination among the young people as a project objective. Hybrid intensive week gave new perspectives and opportunities to enhance participation and provoke the feeling of belonging in the Finnish group that had to stay in Finland. Experiences from young people Intensive week Young voice
20.8.2021 New games from MaMyFu intensive week Why we need games? Did you know that play, generally, adds joy to the life, but specifically board game playing brings some unique health and life improving benefits to a person’s life. It’s not an activity that should be enjoyed once in a while when you get bored, for the best results it has to be a regular mission. Intensive week Role play and gaming Young voice
16.8.2021 Hybrid challenges and joys Making my future project´s last intensive week was held 27.7.-2.8.2021 as a hybrid version. Already a year ago we had made a risk evaluation and prepared a plan B (or actually plan Z already at this point!) as a hybrid event. Due to corona restrictions, the Finns were not able to travel abroad. So, the Estonian and Latvian participants gathered in Kallaste, Estonia, while the Finns travelled from Tampere to the archipelago coast of Finland. The Finnish group stayed at Kaarina on a beautiful farm and country hotel called Lyhdyn Tila. Creative methods Intensive week Young voice
16.8.2021 Creative writings from participants On the first day of MAMYFU intensive week 2021 in Estonia project participants had a creative writing workshop “MY FUTURE, MY PLANET” Creative methods Environmental education Experiences from young people Greative writing Intensive week Young voice
16.7.2021 My future, my planet - intensive week 2021 From July 29 to August 2, MAMYFU project third intensive week 2021 brings together young people from Estonia, Latvia and Finland. Real actions take place in Estonia, in Põlva County. Jointly will be created environmental educational games. The theme of the week is “My future, my planet”. The co-operation week focuses on an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Environmental education Greative writing Intensive week Young voice
30.8.2020 KARAOSTA 2020 During Latvia intensive the participants visited Karaosta, an old military prison near Liepaja. In Karaosta they got to experience a drama tour and role playing. They were emphatizing themselves to a role of an inmate. The experience was strong and unforgettable. Here you read a poem written right after the visit by one of the project workers, Eeva-Mari Miettinen Creative methods Greative writing Improvsation and drama pedagogy Intensive week Role play and gaming