text karaosta prison

During Latvia intensive the participants visited Karaosta, an old military prison near Liepaja. In Karaosta they got to experience a drama tour and role playing. They were emphatizing themselves to a role of an inmate. The experience was strong and unforgettable. Here you read a poem written right after the visit by one of the project workers, Eeva-Mari Miettinen

Fingers on the wall

of humanity

Try to make difference in left and right

Right and wrong

or collective punishment will follow

No one dares to disagree

And they call it democracy

Don´t think, don´t speak, don´t move, don´t look

but obey.

Say yes commander chief

Can´t hear you.




But they did think, they started

a movement,

simply by looking each other in

the eye

They saw the end of dehumanization  and oppression.

The power within themselves.