Book spotlight: A new collection on bilingual child phonology

This new book belongs to the series Second Language Acquisition (SLA), published by Multilingual Matters. The series brings together research dealing with different aspects of language acquisition in situations where a second language is involved.

Text: Olga Nenonen

An Anthology of Bilingual Child Phonology, edited by Elena Babatsouli and Martin J. Ball, is a collection of child language studies on bilingual phonological development. The chapters included in the book all in their different ways offer crosslinguistic, crossdialectal and sociolinguistic variability research of child bilingualism. Addressing the themes of typical and atypical phonological acquisition, different types of bilingualism and trilingualism, the chapters provide the evidence from a wide range of language pairs. The authors investigate phonetic and phonological issues of SLA as well as interfaces with morphology and semantics. The book provides a detailed discussion about transfer, code switching and mixing, cross-linguistic interaction, accent, language dominance and performance, enhanced and delayed phonological development, the role of context and input. The authors offer methodological resources for assessment of typical, delayed and impaired child speech.

The volume is composed of thirteen chapters. One of them is written by University Instructor Olga Nenonen from Tampere University and Plural. This study aims to assess the phonological performance of Russian-Finnish bilingual children in a longitudinal study investigating the evidence from six typically developing preschool-aged bilingual children.

The book will be of particular interest to final-year undergraduates working on phonological development, bilingualism, second language acquisition projects, postgraduate students involved in second language acquisition research, researchers and teachers whose interests include bilingual language development and phonology.

An Anthology of Bilingual Child Phonology is now out in digital format and will be released in hardcover on 30 June 2020. For more information please visit the website. There is a 75 per cent discount of the usual price until the end of June 2020.