5 reasons to become a Student Ambassador

The role of Student Ambassador for Tampere university community is a huge honour. I have appreciated that privilege since September 2018 and it has transformed my life — academically, professionally and personally. There have been many exciting events and opportunities that have been presented through this platform. I would like to share my experience as an Ambassador and the reasons why you should consider becoming one.

1. Stepping out of your comfort zone

As an Ambassador, there is no choice but to push your limits — and I do mean this in the very best way possible. The position requires one to promote the university by reaching out to student communities, in local, national and international spheres, digitally and in-person. This will naturally bring opportunities where you are able to give a public speech, guide a campus tour or share multimedia on various social platforms, just to name a few. Some of these tasks on the agenda may not be your forte, but trust me, after a few months in, you will be a pro. A pro out of your comfort zone — one step at a time.

2. Learning new skills

In this Ambassador role, it is a fantastic time to learn beyond expectation. You have the opportunity to learn from your fellow Ambassadors. You are generously guided by the supervisors of the network. You can learn from the people and experiences that you encounter outside of the network. I believe that I have become a better writer just by crafting articles for the university.

The skills that you can learn are eye-opening in so much more than one way. I love the quote: If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room. As an Ambassador, you are constantly in the right room. And this is how you grow as a person.

3. Prepares you for professional work

During my time as Student Ambassador, one of the craziest ideas I formulated was to administer an Asia Tour — that required visiting 12 schools in 6 different countries speaking to 400 students — in 1 month. The reason I chose Asia is because I discovered a niche, and so, I took the leap. Gratefully the supervisors approved, which in turn launched a brand new horizon creating higher visibility for Tampere University.

This experience taught me lessons that I have taken into my professional career. When you believe in yourself, others will too. When you have a crazy idea, run with it — they are the ones that shake up the norm, and might even change the world.

4. Meeting people and networking

One of the best parts of being an Ambassador is meeting new, interesting people. In the Student Ambassador network, you will join forces with individuals from all around the world, armed with inspiring stories of how they arrived in Finland and usually, why they intend to stay longer than planned. In this strong circle, there is a mutual feeling of purpose. You feel part of a bigger plan than what you originally came for.

5. Making a positive impact

The best part of being a Student Ambassador, in my opinion, is the positive impact that you unquestionably create. For instance, I was able to return to my hometown in USA as Ambassador, to the same classrooms where I was first inspired to study abroad. Going back home, to inspire young students to live outside of their comfort zone, is the greatest gift that you could give back to your own community. Every person you meet, every story you hear, every heart you touch — the impact will be powerful and will linger much longer than after you left it.


If you are eager to meet inspiring people … if you are scared yet excited to step out of your comfort zone … if you are ready to create a positive impact, join the community of Tampere University Student Ambassadors. We want to continue unleashing the unlimited human potential — and that could start with you.

– Kelly

Photo of Kelly
About the writer: Kelly has been living in Tampere since 2017. She came to obtain a Master’s degree and now she has found employment and plans to stay in Finland a bit longer! Some Finnish activities that she enjoys is going to the sauna, karaoke, walking in nature and learning Finnish!