A guide to sporty life in Tampere

Students playing at Sport Uni

Doing sports improves your fitness, brightens your mood and is believed by many to be a key to productive and happy life. However, moving to a new place can sometimes mean that your exercising habits are disrupted. This post will help you explore the numerous possibilities that Tampere has to offer to people who love sports and help you get back on track as soon as possible.


With almost 100 classes every week, numerous sport courses, ball games and various gym equipment spread over three locations, SportUni is your go-to provider of physical exercise. For a reasonable fee you get unlimited access to all three gyms and an ability to participate in group exercises and sport courses. Depending on the gym location you can get access to a climbing wall, a ping-pong table, a hitting wall, a tatami,a ski ramp and many other facilities.

Moreover if you have cash to spare, a personal trainer is there to help you get your exercising routine on a whole new level. PT will develop an individual training program, give you some dietary tips and conduct muscle or endurance testing at any location suitable for you. Interested? You can always find more info on SportUni’s website.

Students playing volley ball at Sport Uni
SportUni offers numerous sport courses, ball games and various gym equipment spread over three locations.

Tolu, Turvoke and Mahti

These three organisations situated in each of the campuses provide an impressively wide range of competitive and leisure sport activities. Enjoy weekly team games? Welcome to TOLU’s sportsshift! Love volleyball? Pay a visit to TTL! Good with maps? Prove it to KeparDI orienteering club! Always wanted to know what it feels like to save besieged Minas Tirith? Well Tampere has a horse-riding club, too. Explore more available sport clubs here.

Trampoline park wild

One of the best ways to spend an evening after a long day of studying is a game of trampoline dodge ball with your friends. If it sounds sounds fun to you (which it most certainly should) trampoline park “Wild” is a place for you. Numerous trampolines varying in difficulty and size accompanied by pools filled with foam cubes (which are surprisingly hard to climb out of) or walls you can jump on Mission Impossible style. Just remember to wear a long-sleeved shirt and knee-covering pants or for the next few days some mundane tasks can feel a bit painful. Get a virtual tour and book your visit here.

Tramboline park
This is one of the best ways to spend an evening after a long day of studying. Photo: Vesa Mäenpää

Tampere Historical European Martial Arts

If you are tired of more conventional ways to increase your strength and stamina, the Tampere Historical European Martial Arts club opens it doors to you. Longsword, dagger, arming sword, spear… There are plenty of weapons to master, and in addition to learning how your ancestors settled arguments, you get to know people who are very passionate about history and historical combat.  All in all, it’s an interesting and unique experience, worth a shot, that can be your gateway into the exciting world of historical martial arts.

Tampere has a lot to offer and this blog post is by no means a comprehensive guide to all sport opportunities. Don’t be afraid to explore it yourself, ask around or even create your own club. Stay healthy and happy!

– Nikolai

Student Ambassador Nikolai Sladkov
About the writer: “I am an 18-year-old Environmental Engineering student from Russia. I always wanted to study in Finland, so right after graduating high school I applied for a study place in TAMK and I was accepted. Now I am learning how to make the world around me a better place, while enjoying beautiful Finnish nature.”