Find your new home in Tampere

The housing situation in Finland might seem confusing for new students at the beginning. Nevertheless, with some hints and good research it's rather easy to find the perfect home for everyone in Tampere.

My decision to study at Tampere University and in Tampere depended on different factors. Of course, the programme I applied to had to match my career goals and the university should have a proficient background in my research area. Nevertheless, I wanted to live the next two years in an inviting neighbourhood and an apartment in which I could feel at home.

I wanted to live the next two years in an inviting neighbourhood and an apartment in which I could feel at home.

I found out that Tampere is one of the biggest student cities in Finland and the area I looked at seemed like a place which combines all my needs. This gave me the first major impulse to write down a list of important attributes my apartment should have and to consider Tampere as my new home city.

I needed to find out how the housing situation for students looked like. I was used to rather high rents and small rooms, as I studied my bachelor’s degree in Frankfurt, one of the most expensive cities in Germany concerning living expenses. After looking up some student housing possibilities I found some possible student housing providers. Just to mention a couple of them: TOAS, POAS and Opiskelijan Tampere (just from August until December).

Sunset in Tampere
The view from my balcony.

Of course, it would be possible to rent an apartment from the open market as well, but for me the student housing providers combined student friendly prices with quality dorms and all my other needs. For example, finding a furnished room with TOAS is rather easy and useful for most international students.

I filtered out some apartments on the website of the providers and I found my optimal apartments in the city center. After I accepted my study place in Tampere, I applied for my dream apartment and received an answer with all the details. It is a shared apartment with a balcony and an amazing view.

After I accepted my study place in Tampere, I applied for my dream apartment and received an answer with all the details.

To sum up my apartment search, the housing market in Tampere is really different to the one I knew before. Different providers offer fast suitable accommodations for students for a fair price.

Nevertheless, it needs to be said that it is your responsibility to arrange your own accommodation before you arrive. Another hint would be that shared apartments are easier and cheaper to get than a studio.

I can just encourage everyone to find a new home in Tampere. Everything is already settled, it’s just up to you to make the right decision!

– Alba

Photo of Alba
About the writer: I’m a Master’s degree student in Leadership for Change and currently writing my thesis. I went on student exchange for one year in the University of Lapland and afterwards decided to stay in Finland for my master’s. You can find me in most of the yoga classes organized by SportUni!