Looking for a job in Finland?

Student Ambassadors in Tampere

When we think about the Scandinavian countries, usually two things come to our minds: Northern Lights and expensive living. Its not actually far from the truth, so my advice is to build up a stable financial background. Finding a job might be an essential part of it.

I thought I’d share some of my experiences of finding a job in Finland. Here are some good examples that have been useful to me.

Language skills

Most of the places require Finnish language skills, so studying Finnish is a good way to improve your chances in the job market. You can study Finnish language at university courses. However, there are several other options, too.

Here are some examples I have found useful:

What else you might need?

If you want to work in Finland, there are some necessary things you have to have at first. For example, you need Social Security Number (through the university as a student) and a TAX Card (from the tax office). These processes are not complicated but still mandatory.

Finding a job as a student without any profession and Finnish language skills might be easiest through hiring companies. These kinds of jobs are mainly cleaning, or kitchen works.

Examples of hiring agencies:

To be able to do this kind of kitchen or cleaning work, you will also need Finnish hygiene passport. After having this certificate, you just have to put a lot of effort into a good CV and apply for dozens of open jobs offers!

If you want to do different type of work, there are also some other places to look at:

Use your networks

We have different backgrounds and skills, so the websites and agencies I mentioned above are just examples. If you have work experience in any field, just try to use your networks or even ask your friends. You can also visit companies’ websites or their offices. Don’t be afraid to reveal your plans for other people, you never know what might happen!

My Italian friend had a lucky coincidence, she was in the right place at the right time and actually found a job by accident. One night she went for a dinner with her friends to have some pizza. During the dinner she started to chat with the waiter and found out the pizzeria needed some new staff. She managed to get that job and nowadays she is still happily working there.

Be open and brave

My advice is to be open and brave for any opportunities. If you have a job, it will give you security and you can continue to look for a better one if needed. Start small, start smart! Finding a job in Finland can be a challenge, but as I usually say “without difficulties life would be way too easy”.

Keep up your motivation and good luck!


Student Ambassador Mark in forest
About the writer: I’m a 21-year-old International Business student from Hungary. I studied for one year at the university in Hungary, then came to Tampere as an exchange student. After my exchange year, I felt like I wanted to stay in Finland, so I applied to TAMK and here I am.

Cover photo: Amanda Aho