More Than Studies: Why I Chose Tampere University

Two students are standing behind the desk. They are wearing associations T-shirts.
During my studies, I became interested in Finnish startup ecosystem and became an active member of one of the Entrepreneurship Societies. Credits: Elena Savina

My name is Anastasia (Ana), and I’m from Saint Petersburg, Russia. I’m a second-year student in the Sustainable Digital Life master’s programme at Tampere University, and I couldn’t be happier with my study choice. Why? Well, here’s my story.

I have always loved coming to Finland because I simply adored nature and the overall way of living. Therefore, it wasn’t surprising that I started to think about pursuing a degree in Finland during my school years. However, as I was too young, I couldn’t choose a programme on time, so I had to postpone moving here, and I focused on applying to a master’s programme. But I knew: it was a place where I wanted to be. 

I completed my bachelor’s programme in Public Relations and Advertising. Without any doubt, it was an exciting path for me as I mastered my expertise in various disciplines such as consumer behaviour, international relations sociology, marketing and so on. When the pandemic hit, I managed to find a remote job in a PR agency where I worked for almost 2 years. Even though I enjoyed learning new skills in this field, I felt the urge to go in a different direction.  


I have always loved coming to Finland because I simply adored nature and the overall way of living.


A group of people waiting for the event to start.
In Spring 2023, I participated in the Demola programme and worked on the project ‘Building a Sustainable Tampere. Credits: Demola team

Albeit ‘sustainability was a buzzword for me at first, I cared about ecology and was rather curious about ways and technologies that would positively change our lives. I knew that Finland is famous for its initiatives regarding nature conservation and sustainable development practices, so I made up my mind to choose a study programme that would align with my interests. 

Tampere University was the only place that exceeded my expectations and provided a study programme that included courses about user experience (UX), sustainable design, gamification, and human-technology interaction. Apart from that, it was possible to pick courses from other fields, and it was so surprising for me at first! Back in Saint Petersburg, we had a strict study schedule, and we didn’t have much choice in how to plan our learning process, but here everything was different. At Tampere University, students are encouraged to participate in courses that are not only relevant to their future careers but also broaden their understanding of specific topics from other study programmes.  


Apart from that, it was possible to pick courses from other fields, and it was so surprising for me at first!


A group of friends taking a selfie in a winter forest and smiling.
A group photo with my friends taken in Pyynikki. Credits: Sofia Kasari

I’ve never felt so supported by professors and the student community. As an international student, I faced a lot of challenges when I first moved to Tampere, but luckily, I was surrounded by people who helped me integrate and feel at home. I definitely encourage all newcomers to dedicate time to walking around Tampere, exploring cosy and neat areas such as Pyynikki or Pispala, or spending time in nature. It will help to get to know your surroundings and discover beautiful locations. 

I appreciate the opportunities that students at Tampere University have. You can participate in hackathons (big events where you and your team work on a certain project), attend conferences (as a volunteer or as a participant), and apply for entrepreneurial programmes like Demola or foster your entrepreneurship skills with HUBS. I think that it’s a great way to fully embrace your experience as a student, develop new skills and meet new friends.


I definitely encourage all newcomers to dedicate time to walking around Tampere, exploring cosy and neat areas such as Pyynikki or Pispala, or spending time in nature.


A group of students are taking picture during the informal get-together.
A Hang Out event our association organised in September 2023. Credits: Farhat Mahjabin Samira

Since it’s my second year at Tampere, I can say that my life here was more than exciting and full of different events. For example, together with my groupmates, we established an association for our programme (Access ry), I volunteered at the international tech conference Academic Mindtrek, and I even went to see a hockey match during the Ice Hockey World Championship. Also, I familiarised myself with pesäpallo (a bat-and-ball sports game), which is amazing! You can always find interesting ways to expand your network, enhance your soft skills, know more about Finnish culture and make inspiring memories. Who knows, maybe studying here will change your life too? 


You can always find interesting ways to expand your network, enhance your soft skills, know more about Finnish culture and make inspiring memories.


Now I have completed all the necessary courses, so I can work on my thesis and participate in activities outside of the university. However, I can’t help but reflect on the path I’ve made throughout this time, and I’m grateful for the chance to be a part of this university. However, I would love to apply for a PhD programme here, so more opportunities to come! 


5 reasons why I love Tampere University 

  1. Inclusive and equal study environment; 
  2. Cosy corners where you can relax (such as Oasis with video games and comics); 
  3. A LOT of associations, clubs and events; 
  4. Innovative study programmes and courses; 
  5. Enlightening collaborations with other universities. 

Of course, there are more activities that you can do here than I mentioned in my text. So be sure: you won’t be bored! 


About the author:

Anastasia, the author, is taking a selfie and is holding a book.Anastasia Maydanova is a second-year master’s student in Sustainable Digital Life from Russia. She enjoys such disciplines as Service Design, Sustainable Design and Gamification. Anastasia loves attending local and Helsinki events, as well as spending time with her friends, playing games, and hiking.