Asia Tour: Answers to FAQs

Twelve schools. Six countries. One month. No, this is not the tour schedule of an international rock band, but actually my timetable as a Student Ambassador in Asia.

I travelled to different high schools in Asia to speak to 400 students about studying and living in Tampere, Finland. The countries visited were Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. Throughout the tour, I organized presentations at various high schools.

The topics that were discussed were Finland and Finnish culture in general (not many had even heard of the country), living and studying in Tampere, plus Tampere University and its available programs. During these visits, many questions were raised regarding scholarships, migration, part-time jobs, just to name a few. 

Overall, the majority of the countries were excited about Finland, either coming to visit, or to study and live! It was partly from curiosity and also from a genuine interest in the quirky culture, education opportunities and the cold climate. The students mutually agreed that they have never heard of anything like it!

They believe that Finland would provide an environment for one to thrive professionally, academically and personally. It felt really nice to hear this from the students because as an international living in Finland myself, I too felt this way and it was great to pay it forward and spread the message about starting a life in Finland!

Since many of their questions were quite frequent, I would like to dedicate the rest of the article to providing links to where you could find more information. Here we go!

1. What programs do you have available at Tampere University?


2. How and when do I apply to the university?


3. What scholarships are available?


4. How does Tampere University rank among other global universities?


5. Where can I find practical information about permits and moving to Finland to live/study?


6. How can I find part-time jobs for students who don’t speak Finnish?


7. What student housing is available?


8. Where can I find events around Tampere?


9. How does the public transportation work in Tampere?


10. When can we see the Northern Lights in Tampere?


If there are some questions you may have that were not answered above, feel free to contact our admission services:

We warmly welcome you to Tampere, Finland and Tampere University!

– Kelly

Photo of Kelly
About the writer: I have been living in Tampere since 2017. I came to obtain a Master’s degree in Media Education and now I have found employment and plan to stay in Finland a bit longer! Some Finnish activities that I enjoy are going to the sauna, karaoke, walking in nature and learning Finnish!