Introduction to Software Engineering at TAMK

Second-year student shares insight on the degree and hopes to inspire future Software Engineers.

If you are reading this blog and are seeking for study opportunities in Finland or if you are interested in an ICT degree and aspire to get a study place in one of the biggest Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland; you are in the right place! In this blog post, I will answer the questions you might have.

Why did I choose TAMK for my bachelor’s degree in software engineering?

A year ago, I was in the middle of choosing the right place to pursue an ICT major and eventually came up to apply for TAMK.

Firstly, I enjoy immersing myself into different aspects of ICT and craving for in-depth exploration in all fields. Some of you might be interested in programming but cannot narrow down the specific minor; website development, mobile or embedded systems, etc. It’s alright if you haven’t found your dream job yet. The most important thing is having the passion to follow it till the end. I love the way TAMK provides us with a wide range of knowledge and real-life practical experiences. This gives me the general overview and understanding before seriously pursuing a particular profession.

Secondly, the balance of theory and practice is well calculated. Being a Software Engineering student at TAMK gives me the chance to involve in various projects not only inside the courses but during the summertime (e.g department’s practical training, Y-kampus, and more

Figure 1 Embedded systems Course – Smart Vehicle 2020

school projects
Embedded systems Course (left) – Smart Vehicle 2020 (right)

How are student life and school activities?

Already from my first year studying at TAMK, I have enjoyed many benefits as a student. For example, unlimited support from all teachers, good and healthy lunch at an affordable price, laboratory equipment available for free, high-end facilities like sportUni, library, etc. I can also visit all other campuses of Tampere Universities community and use to their facilities.

Moreover, there are plenty student activities outside the classroom ranging from study to social clubs. Even though most of them are in Finnish, they are inclusive and a good opportunity to make more Finnish friends and learn the language quickly. Annual job fairs are also held at TAMK’s Teiskontie street which gives me the general view of the current companies in Tampere and increases the chances of getting employed in the near future.

Nature is always one of the best things when talking about Finland. As a student, I sometimes get stressed out in fixing bugs. My remedy is just simply jogging around the forest surrounding my apartment, observing wild animals like hares, rabbits, goose; which I have never seen before in my hometown in Vietnam. Nature sure helps to refresh my brain and improve my sedentary lifestyle.

Figure 2 (Clockwise) Beautiful autumn 2019, summer forest 2020 and cute little fella squirrel near my flat.

finnish nature
(clockwise) Beautiful autumn 2019, summer forest 2020 and cute little fella squirrel near my flat.

Career opportunities and future prospects in Tampere?

From my perspective, Tampere is a city with many job opportunities. Since it is one of the biggest cities in Finland, there are many restaurants, shops, and companies ranging from small to big ones. At my first year of studies, I got a part-time job and worked for six months. If you are planning to get a part-time job to support your study life, Tampere can be a good choice.

In my one year of experience, I cannot give a precise evaluation of the career prospects for my major. Many of my friends (included Vietnamese and other nationalities) have landed jobs fitting their degree after graduation. However, it still depends on how much accumulated knowledge we have gotten so far as well as the inner potential. Opportunities are out there but do we know how to catch them smartly?

I am grateful for my choice of TAMK and Tampere as my 4-year study place. Preparing for tertiary education aboard is difficult. It needs time, information, money and preparation. Therefore, I hope my blog post can somehow clear some of your uncertainties and concerns about the life and studies in TAMK. I wish you all the best and see you soon in Tampere!

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information about life and studies in Tampere and TAMK.



Yen Tran student ambassador
About the author: Yen moved to Tampere from Vietnam to study Software Engineering in TAMK. When she needs a break from studying, she goes jogging in Tampere’s numerous parks and forests.