It is possible to cycle all year round especially with the right gear and winter tyres and it is very common to find people navigating via bicycles in Tampere. This is the most cost-effective means of transportation as cyclists do not need to pay for bus fares or parking spaces, it is also a great form of exercise. The cycling and walking routes are separate from the car routes and the pedestrians mostly have the right of way when crossing the roads which means that drivers have to yield to pedestrians when they are on a zebra crossing. During the summer it is more common to also see people navigating via scooters, skateboards, roller skates and electric unicycles. The price of bicycles ranges from 40 euros to 3000 euros depending on the preferences.
Buy second-hand bicycles or exchange bicycles in Tampere: tori.fi
Buy affordable bicycle gear and equipment: Biltema.fi
The Trams were launched in August 2021 and are a very easy mode of transport. A tram frequents the same routes and arrives at the same stop every ten minutes. The tram also navigates through different parts of the city; the Hervanta, central and Kauppi campuses, the city centre and many other locations. Payment is fully automated and can be made via a travel card or an ATM card at an affordable student discounted price. Whenever you board the trams, you only need to swipe your card on the card reader and find an empty seat. The trams are spacious and have very comfortable seats and just like the other forms of transport, there are USB sockets available for charging.
The introduction of the tramlines created more bus routes in the city. The buses are very comfortable and are connected to all parts of the city, the buses are the most modal form of transportation in Tampere. Payment is easy, just like with the trams and can be done via a travel card, an ATM or cash. Single tickets can be purchased and have a time validity of about 90 minutes and can be used multiple times within this time frame. It is also possible to purchase tickets that are valid for an entire day or a season (month), this option is great for passengers who travel a lot via the buses and trams and proves to be more cost-effective over time. Additionally, other bus lines navigate intercity routes just like with the trains and their tickets are easily accessible with bus apps or at the bus station.
Travelcard for Tampere: www.nysse.fi
Bus and Tram schedules: www.nysse.fi/en/schedules-and-routes

The trains in Finland mainly navigate intercity routes, enabling passengers move from one city to the other. They are also a cheap and very comfortable mode of transportation. Bicycles, pets and items of luggage of varying sizes can be onboarded while using the trains. The trains usually have a restroom and a free WIFI. Just like in planes, there are first-class and economy cabins and it is possible to buy snacks or a meal during the journey. It is also possible to purchase multi tickets, season tickets or holiday tickets which have a continuous validity for 5-9 days and allow passengers to navigate different cities freely within this time frame. Like with the other modes of transport the trip schedules are strictly adhered to, so passengers are certain of their time of departure and arrivals and can plan accordingly.
Purchase Train tickets: www.vr.fi

The roads signs are so many but pay so much attention to details hence it is very easy to navigate even without a map. Traffic lights and speed cameras at strategic locations help to keep a safe flow of traffic and bring the accident rate to the barest minimum. It is quite common to find cars with a manual transmission as this seems to be the preference of Finnish drivers. The price ranges for cars in Finland are between 700 euros to 100k euros depending on the budget. Cars are thoroughly inspected every year to determine their roadworthiness, so when buying a used vehicle, it is advisable to buy one that has recently been inspected and properly maintained. It is a rather straightforward process obtaining a driver’s license in Finland, foreigners can easily exchange driving licenses for a Finnish driving license or take the driving tests (written and practical) to acquire one and the driving licenses are issued for 15 years at a time. Other car costs include but are not limited to a yearly car insurance and a yearly car tax.
Purchase used cars on auction: huutokaupat.com or tori.fi or nettiauto.com
Buy car equipment and transmission oils: motonet.fi and www.biltema.fi
Traffic Signs and their meaning: www.expat-finland.com
Exchanging a foreign license in Finland: www.ajokortti-info.fi
Now to the interesting part, just like with housing, food and healthcare, discounts are available to students when using various modes of transport. It is possible to purchase a travel card which can be used on a bus and a tram for just 5 euros and the fare prices are discounted for students, for instance, it costs a student about 42 euros to purchase a season ticket in comparison to the 56 euros that an adult pays normally. The trains and long-distance buses also have very good discounts for students who can show a valid ID card while onboard. It is usually cheaper to book train and long-distance bus tickets way ahead of time and to top that student discounts are still offered.
In conclusion, it is easy to navigate in Tampere and Finland as a whole, trains are connected to different cities and one can easily get a student discount on bus fares, train rides and much more. The transport system implements good accessibility features across the different platforms as seen with reserved spots for the physically challenged, mothers with babies and the elderly.

About the author
Oloruntobiloba Kolawole is from Oyo State Nigeria. He is currently in the second year of the data science master’s degree program at Tampere University and has a technical background with a bachelors in computer science from Bowen University, Nigeria. He is a student ambassador and loves to travel, play basketball and board games during his leisure.