Step out of your comfort zone

Will I understand what they are talking about? How can I explain if I need something? How can I be sure that I can do this?

Tampere, an easy-going city

I wanted to see a new country and get to know a new education system – in fact, the Finnish education system is said to be one of the best in the world. So, what was my solution? It was to step out of my comfort zone.

When someone moves to another country it’s always a challenge. I will never forget the moment I got off the plane and had the first feeling: yes, I am here, and I did it! Of course, I didn’t know anything about Tampere, but I didn’t let it bother me. I realised soon that people in Tampere were very kind and helpful. It didn´t matter what kind of problem I had, there was always somebody helping me at TAMK – even though I visited the office five times a day and had some nonsense questions.

You can really trust TAMK, your flatmates and friends anytime. I even made my first friend in the laundry room when I had no clue how to use the washing machine. So yeah, my advice to everyone: I think now is the perfect time, the perfect year to jump into the unknown to get some awesome stories, have once in a lifetime experiences and take the opportunities that will change your life forever.

And what about my language skills?

Nobody is perfect and none of us talks without mistakes. Sometimes it can be a comedy when we desperately try our best to explain the situation and what we want. But you know what? Life would be too easy without mishaps. The secret is that we can understand each other without perfect language skills.

Around last November I met a guy from Japan, in fact later he became my flatmate. We were on a cruise trip to Stockholm organised by school. This guy introduced himself but he didn’t really know more in English. Still, he was brave enough to come to Finland, study here and experience this country.

Once I invited him to dinner in my apartment and he promised to come, but he said he had to leave early. I asked why and he answered: “I have to go home to learn English, because otherwise I don’t understand what I study and learn.” The time passed by and after a few months his English was pretty good. We could actually talk about anything.

After one year full of experiences, I’m not afraid to speak English anymore. I think it was one of the best decisions of my life to come here. Now I’m sitting in the TAMK library as an international degree student, in the same place where I was sitting one year ago as an exchange student.

Dare to change your life and make a big step. We Ambassadors will be here for you.

– Márk

P.S. Check out our international degree programmes!

Student Ambassador Mark in a forest
About the writer: I’m a 21-year-old International Business student from Hungary. I studied for one year at the university in Hungary, then came to Tampere as an exchange student. After my exchange year, I felt like I wanted to stay in Finland, so I applied to TAMK and here I am.

Main photo: Essi Kannelkoski