Hello! Mic Testing! – Making a student podcast

Student ambassadors in the podcast studio.

What's it like behind the scenes of a student podcast?

Podcasts have emerged as a medium of communicating ideas, thoughts and opinions in recent years. This history of this genre of communication is still not very long. According to Wikipedia, the first podcast to be published was in 2003. However, its reach and importance have grown over the years.

Tampere University has its podcast channels in various streaming services. One such channel in Spotify is KohinaKampus which is dedicated to themes that are of interest to members of the community from the perspective of students and scholars alike.

The Tampere Student Ambassadors are part of this channel with our own podcast series. I had the opportunity to participate in the very first episode titled Why Finland? along with three other ambassadors. In this blog, I will be writing the experience of recording the first podcast of my life.

Podcast studio.

I was joined on the podcast by three other ambassadors, Atiqa, Bruna and Monica. We met in TAMK (Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu) lobby with our sound engineer Janne-Christian and headed to the recording studio. Before, we had an hour-long planning session on Microsoft Teams on the topics to be discussed in the podcast. The topics revolved around our choice of Finland as a study destination. These include time in Finland and Tampere, things we like to do here, our cultural shocks and reasons we would recommend it as a study destination to others.

The topics revolved around our choice of Finland as a study destination.

We were greeted by four mics in the recording room which was small and cozy. After arriving there we printed our information sheets on the topics. This was followed by sound-checking the mics individually to see whether we were required to raise or lower our voices. Janne instructed us to make fewer body movements as we spoke in the mics to register a clear voice and no unwanted noise.

We practised our introduction before formally starting the recording. For the next half an hour we talked about the topics we had written in our information sheets. We also took a five-minute break in between.

The discussion overall was informative, and we were able to touch upon every topic. The experience itself was quite enriching and I would love to repeat in the future. To listen to our discussion, tune into our podcast channel in Spotify or Soundcloud!

Soundcloud link to our podcast

Spotify link to the podcast

– Anu

About the writer: Anumita Goswami (just call me Anu) is a doctoral researcher at Tampere University in the Department of Media Studies. She is from India and is presently researching social media infrastructure, misinformation, political propaganda and fact-checking in India. She has been living in Tampere for 2 years. She did her exchange studies in TAMK in 2018 in the Department of Media and Arts. Her hobbies include tweeting, travelling, reading books and participating in trivia contests.