Tampere getting ready for Christmas

Buildings at Tampere Central square in Christmas lights.

Tampere is a really beautiful and charming city, isn’t it? To experience its charm to the fullest, you absolutely have to walk around Tampere these days, when it is preparing for Christmas and the New Year.

In spite of the harsh corona virus situation, the city is doing its best to let its inhabitants as well as numerous visitors and guests feel special. Of course, everyone can notice the warm atmosphere of Tampere in any season, but now, on the threshold of Christmas, when this marvelous holiday is getting closer, one cannot but feel these magic vibrations with every fiber of their being.

Christmas market and Christmas tree.

By the way, did you know that Finns start preparing for Christmas as early as late November, and some of them begin making preparations (buying presents, planning their festive tables and decorating their flats and houses, as well as gardens) even in October? Finns DO love and adore Christmas, and now you have all the chances to see that with your own eyes!

If you are missing the Christmas spirit these days, just walk down the main street (Hämeenkatu) and breathe it in. You’ll see beautiful lights everywhere, literally on every corner and in each shop window, and these fascinating decorations will give you the drops of joy all of us need so badly these days.

Christmas decorations at the market.

It is worth mentioning that candles of all types and sizes play a crucial role in Christmas decorations in Finland since Finnish people have their well-known passion for lighting candles virtually on any occasion. Next time, doing your shopping in a big supermarket or in a small corner shop, pay attention to the variety of candles on sale or just look around while walking through the streets of Tampere and enjoy the lights in apartment windows, on balconies, and even on some trees – well, how many garlands, string lights and candles did you manage to count?

It is really nice to walk around Tampere and spot new season’s decorations as they tend to pop up like mushrooms after a rainy day (the allusion to a «rainy day» doesn’t seem to be totally out of place in these snowless winter days in Tampere, huh?).

Like any other European city, Tampere has its Christmas Market downtown. If you just walk by this amazing place, you will absorb all the variety of Christmas-related attributes: you will hear Christmas melodies, smell Christmas treats, and see the glittering and twinkling lights.

Christmas lights on the street.

It might be a good idea to drop in and experience the Christmas Market from within – here you can find original presents for your relatives and friends and pamper yourself with a cup or more of tasty Christmas glögg! It feels really relaxing to find a place in a cozy and welcoming market cafe and indulge yourself with delicious specialties. It is an ideal place for making plans for the year 2021 and dreaming about the world of peace and happiness.

No doubts about that, your next year will be much better than 2020 was, especially if you intend to spend it in Tampere! Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta teille kaikille! (= Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all!)

– Valeriia

About the writer: Moi kaikille! My name is Valeriia, I am from Russia, now doing my master’s degree in Teacher Education at Tampere University. I like travelling (especially to Northern countries) and enjoy my studying at this university SOOO much! Back in my home country, I help homeless animals, and my dream is that some day they will be treated there like they are in Finland – with due respect, care and love.