Culture Rocks

Anni Kansonen & Ukko Koivisto

The proposal “Culture Rocks” takes its inspiration from the widespread rocky landscapes of Finland. At the core of the plan is the idea to create a building that speaks through its sculpturality and materiality. The proposed new cultural center consists of four rock-like blocks, with light-filled common areas and corridors in between. The cultural center aims to blend into its surroundings while establishing its own distinct space and identity in the heart of the Ratina area.

A key consideration was ensuring the integration of the building and its site with the industrially historic riverside of Tammerkoski. The nearby Ratina shopping center, Tampere bus station, Ratina stadium and the Nokia Arena were also taken into account in the planning. Access to the site has been developed to be easier than previously. Another main goal was to achieve equal accessibility from both the north and south side of the building. The entrances were designed to be equally inviting and intriguing. The northern entrance area aims for a rocky and minimalist feel, while the southern access offers a more open experience.

The rocky theme continues inside, with the goal of creating dramatic and dynamic interior spaces. Each corner of the building reveals a different view, which makes walking inside the building an interesting experience.

The atrium serves as the pulsating heart of the building, providing access to each functionally distinct block. The building is also designed to facilitate circulation, enhancing ease of movement and functionality.