How we developed the "Hidi House" concept
Our main goal in the Urban Lab subject was to create an idea and a project to change the area in Tampere, Hiedanranta. For us, it was not an easy process and we thought about what to do in a city where there is everything? What to do with this area, which, compared to the center, is not super developed and densely populated. We had a lot of choices, since we are from different streams of the Sustainable Urban Development program (administrative sciences, social sciences, and technology), we had different views on this task. Therefore, in order to come to one solution, we went through a long process of developing and changing our project, comparing new ideas with the old ones, and eliminating some details. In this blog post, I want to focus on my own experience as a group member during the creation of a project which relates to urban development. I want to help people to understand which process my group went through to come to the results that we have now.