Within the international EMEX project there was a seminar on Monday the 7th October 2019, called The Future of Television. Organized by Jukka Holm and Antti Perälä of TAMK, the seminar had several experts of the field as its speakers and over a hundred participants.

In the afternoon of the seminar day, there was a networking hour built in a playful way, facilitated by the ever-energetic Trent Pancy.
From Tuesday to Friday (8.-11.10.2019), students from three countries (Finland, Germany, UK) started building demos and writing concepts for interactive television formats.

During Friday 11.10., the student teams tested their demos, after which all teams presented the concepts to the tutors, each other and of course the representatives of two broadcasting companies, namely YLE (The Finnish Broadcasting Company) and the RBB (Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg).

The week ended with a feedback session where the students told the tutors what they had liked most in the workshop and how they would make the next time even better.

Thank you: Björn Stockleben, Olli-Pekka Salli, Päivi Majaranta, Kirsi Karimäki, Markku Turunen, Mark Lochrie, Tuomo Joronen, Antti Perälä, Jukka Holm, Angela Brennecke, Timo Kivikangas, Graham Cooper, Gareth West, Marcella Forster, Jaakko Hakulinen, Carita Forsgren – and all the students who participated!
Participating organizations: University of Lincoln, Tampere University, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg, Film University Babelsberg, Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, University of Lancashire
None of this would have happened without the aid of the EU ERASMUS+ Programme!
Text and photos: CF 2019