Did you sleep well?

Finding a balance in life

Sleep is one of the foundation pillars in life with nutrition and movement. Sleeping is the base of balanced and healthy life and the last thing which should be eliminated. However, it is usually the thing which is pinched of when life is busy and stressful.

Sleeping is an essential action for brains and mind when we are talking about recovery, vitality and remembering. Our brains handle the data of the day during the sleep. That enables an assimilation of knowledge and learning process. Also, brains handle emotions and activates the subconscious over sleeping. That is the base for creativity and imagination.

Functions of the sleeping in a nutshell:

  • Makes both body and mind to recover
  • Supports immune system and prevent from the stress and diseases
  • Maintain the metabolism and hormone activation
  • Improves vitality and ability to handle emotions
  • Supports the remembrance and learning process

Quite important topics and things for everyone and especially for entrepreneurs. When there are enough sleeping and especially quality sleeping there are an opportunity to be more efficient and creative. Skills which are wanted to make business successful.

Here is couple more reasons to put more effort to quality sleeping:

  • You are brisker and gladder
    Tired mind is easily negative and grumpy.
  • Decrease the risk of illness and long-term diseases
    Immune system of the tired body is not optimal, so risk to get flu or fever is increased.
    Also, sleeping decreases the blood pressure and prevent the low-level inflammation of the body which are notable matters to avoid long-term diseases.
  • Memory and other cognitive functions work better
    It is easier to remember, learn and get excited about things when you have slept well. Mind and body are more receptive for new things.
  • Look healthy and good!
    Sleeping has a huge effect to your face and look. It is not bad at all to keep your good-looking face, right?


What is a good amount of sleep?

Average adult needs 7-9 hours’ sleep per. day. Some people need more than that, but it is very rear that less that 7 hours is enough. Amount of sleeping is an adequate when you wake up perky and do not need a caffeine to wake you up.


Sometimes sleeping is not easy because of stress and life situation. Life can be that busy that hours in day are not enough and there is so much work to do. There can be also that high stress levels that it is not possible to fall asleep even there would be time to do so.

It those cases, how to make sleeping easier and as optimal as possible? Here is some tips to make sleeping easier and more quality.

  • Turn electronic devices off early enough
    If you want to go to sleep at 11 pm. you should put electronic devices off at 9.pm or at least at 10pm. Computers, tablets and smartphones are the worst because they are so close to your eyes. TV is not that bad, but not good either. Blue light filter makes them a little bit better, yes, but they still activate your brain in that way that it is not easy to fell asleep. So, put your devices off.
  • Avoid caffeine after 4pm.
    Coffee is the best friend of entrepreneurs and hard workers but one cup at the late afternoon can disturb your sleep. Coffee in the mornings, please! 
  • Write down everything you need to remember next day
    It is common to start thinking all things need to be done and remember next day when it is time for sleep. Write to-do list for the next day and leave them for tomorrow. You will remember them, so you don’t need to worry at the middle of the night. 
  • Create your own night routines
    Turn lights down, put some relaxing music, drink caffeine free tea, meditate and stretch.
    Make routines which signal to the body that it is time to go bed. Routines make easier to fall asleep. 
  • Make your sleeping area comfortable and peaceful
    Comfortable atmosphere makes sleeping easier and increase the quality of sleep. So, put effort to your bedroom!


Last night was horrible! What can I do to make a day brisker?

Don’t worry, it is normal to have bad slept nights. Take a nap for 20 minutes to make your day more energetic. Keep it short 20 minutes to avoid for staying awake next night.


Sweet dreams & sleep tight!




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