Why am I talking about brain?

Read to find out.

The balance was something I already dived into earlier in my post No Balance, just Choices, but now I dived deeper into the effects balance (or lack of it) has on our brain.

As I learned during this challenge, many things affect our brain and how it works. It’s good to note that even when we’re resting our brain is highly active, so it never stops working. If you keep going too long without sleep learning new things become impossible because your brain can’t process any new information. When you do learn new things, it changes the structure of your brain.

Stress is having also nondesirable effect on your brain and it can actually damage it if experienced long-term. The fun fact about stress is that the more you experience it the less capable of handling it you become. This means that the longer your stressful state of mind continues the easier you get stressed even more. Stress is also damaging your brain by reducing the grey matter in the areas of your brain that are responsible for self-control, which means you’ll make bad decisions more easily, get irritated more easily, etc.

Why am I talking about this? It all comes down to balancing your life and setting boundaries. The more you feel like you’re in control of your life, the less stressful you are. Experiencing a lot of stress usually affects your sleeping and causes insomnia, which makes your learning ability impossible and thus causes even more stress. You see the cycle here? You don’t want to find yourself in that.

What can you do? Is everything lost forever, and your brain damaged permanently? Luckily some parts of our brain will recover after being damaged. Some parts are lost forever and in some way that is okay because our brain is very adaptable and creates new pathways to replace the ones that are lost. To release stress and feel more in control you can do mindfulness meditation. This will make the frontal lobe and parietal lobe stronger and thus improve your focus. Yoga, mindfulness, and meditation are also very good ways of relaxing and making you feel more grounded.

So pull out your yoga mats, buy a new meditation app or go to a mindfulness retreat to get your life back to balance, because balance comes from within and how you feel inside. Is everything a mess or are things in order?


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