So, this is our very last meeting and we had to say goodbye. Unfortunately, we had to do it online because Juri left Finland earlier for his job back in Switzerland. I really hate goodbyes but I hope we will see each other again some day!
We talked about our Erasmus experience and we all said what we liked the most and what we liked the least. For me the best part was to meet all the different people from anywhere in the world and to travel around and explore new places. The thing that I liked the least was when I was sitting in quarantine for almost 2 weeks in the beginning of my exchange. However, I can 100% say that I do not regret doing my Erasmus exchange here in Tampere, Finland.
I learned the following Spanish words:
Austausch – intercambio
Student – estudiante
Klassenkameraden – companeros
Erfahrung – experiencia
reisen – viajar
Nationalitäten – nacionalidades
Freunde – amigos
an etwas wachsen / erwachsen werden – madurar
Austauschstudent – estudiante de intercambio
lernen – aprendizaje
This class was super fun and I am glad I met Juri and Paula. Thank you for making it so special!!