Our last meeting took a place on 10th of May. It was a happy day to celebrate for Elisa because she has already finished her all classes at the University. Also, we are going to leave Finland soon so it was a nice opportunity to finish our meetings in a chill way. We met in Kulttuuritalo Telakka because there was a Finnish folk-music concert this day. The atmosphere was incredible! Random people were trying their best on the stage. We took a table close to the small stage. The concert wasn’t loud so we could talk properly. There were also playing some movies about folk-music on the big screen on the wall.
We went through a lot of the topics. We moved the theme of climate change, Finnish people, Polish people, behavior, lifestyle, education system and more and more. We shared our feelings about our staying in Tampere and how Finland looks like by our eyes.
I would never learn so many useful things about Finland if I wouldn’t participate in Each One Teach One. It was a great experience for us to meet Finnish family and spend a time with them. To learn their culture, language and habits. Thanks to Elisa we met people from Finland and we could see their point of view. We can say that we know Finland very well!
Hope that we will not lose our contact after we leave Finland and we will keep in touch!