I invited Yuki to spend Christmas at my parents place so she could experience the (one type of)Finnish Christmas.
On the morning we went to a religious ceremony, sang hymns and listened the declaration of Christmas peace from radio. After the ceremony we ate some delicious rice porridge! Words Yuki learned: seimi = a manger, riisipuuro = rice porridge, Jumala = God (kami), tähti = a star (hoshi).

Later we traditionally visited a grave yard and lightened two candles next my relatives graves. The view over the yard was beautiful because of hundreds of candles. Because of wind the weather (-10 degrees) felt bit chilly. 😀

After our freezing trip over dead people we enjoyed lovely Christmas meal including turkey = kalkkuna (shichimenchou), spiced herrings = maustettuja silakoita, Christmas salad = rosolli and carrot/potato/sweet turnip casserole = porkkana/peruna/lanttulaatikko. During our meal Santa Clause = joulupukki had somehow visited us without being noticed and brought presents = lahjoja for all of us!
