4th meeting: Finnish - German

This morning Sofia and me had a video call in Microsoft Teams. Our plan was to play a game where one of us draws and the other one guesses in Finnish/German what it is. Of course we had some technical problems and I was not able to share my screen, but we just improvised a bit.

We focused on sports and nature, cause we didn’t talk about it before, but also drew some other things. One of the words I learned today was for example “rullaluistella”, which means rollerskating. It was really fun to learn new words while playing a game! It was actually pretty hard to draw on the computer, which is why we had quite funny outcomes, for example Sofia’s sammakko (frog) :D, unfortenately we don’t have a picture of it.

After the other person guessed the word we also wrote it down, so it’s easier to remember it later!


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